“His art is always aimed to capture the uncommon aspects of reality. His sounding is launched to investigate the distance between

the surface and the depth of a man.” (Valerio Deho’)


His artistic research has a creative route constant and consistent, he landed for years now in a coded language, recognizable and identifiable.

His first artwork is THE DEVIL ON THE HILLS, published on volume in May 1998. It is a photographic work started in 1992 that will be exhibited in Cordoba and Malaga (Spain), Graz (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia). The work was reviewed by the major Italian magazines. LESS THAN A MOMENT BEFORE DEATH, 1998, follows. The artwork was firstly exhibited in Arles (France) and then presented the following year in The Prinz Gallery of Kyoto (Japan). In the same year the artwork entitled SHADOWS OF THOUGHTS was published. In 1999 he presented THE CITY OF THE LOST FACES at Palazzo Querini Dubois in Venice (Italy). In May 2000 was in Milan (Italy) at Palazzo della Triennale, where he exhibited TRILOGY OF NATURE. From the beginning, there are many photography magazines that highlight his work. Always in 2000 he began THE DERI ISLAND, which in November 2001 was shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zilina (Slovakia) and published on volume in December 2002. And this is the turning point: after the climax of black we can witness to the gradual domination of white, the photography with the interaction of matter becomes a participant of a new path. Meanwhile, in September 2000, the project Casa-Atelier was born: to create an artist house which reproduces elements of the Mediterranean world. He personally renovated a building in the historic center of Castelfidardo (Marche - Italy) and on September 26th 2004 he inaugurated the ATELIER CHAMBRE. In March 2006 he was awarded by the City of Castelfidardo (Italy) with the Medal of talent and, in December of the same year, he was included by Prof. Armando Ginesi in the book Le Marche and the twentieth century - Federico Motta Editore. In 2008, at the Archaeological Excavations at the Palace of the Captains in Ascoli Piceno (Italy), a large selection of his artworks was presented and published a catalog with critical text by Dr. Giovanna Bonasegale - director of Municipal Gallery in Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome (Italy). Meanwhile there are many galleries that have decided to treat his work and in the same year, the 2008, are also on display at the Italian Cultural Institute in Bratislava (Slovakia). Always in 2008, in November, develop the project WHITECIRCLE to realize an animated short film entitled MAOR which won the Special Jury Mention at the Festival Short Doric 2009. The approach to the sculptural world led him to design HORUS, his first public work commissioned by the City of Castelfidardo (Italy) in 2010. In 2012 realizes instead on private commission another work in public use, a large roundabout called GROW where the essence is the becoming of perfection. In 2013, the Ferretti Foundation is the buyer for a site specific work in memory of the Battle of Castelfidardo and in their nature park he creates a new public work entitled ORIGIN. Meanwhile, began the renovation of a new building in 2011, he leads to term in 2014 a further element of the major project Chambre, shared as for the Atelier with his wife Federica Spagnolo: the RELAIS CHAMBRE, an abode of art where to stay and be guests in the atmosphere of his works. In 2015 it was the turn of the public work ALCHEMICAL SECRET, a new roundabout on commission of the City of Offagna and the Province of Ancona. He always continues the bright and lively exhibition activity with its reference galleries and he states in national and international competitions on large projects for installations of his works like for the new Biomass Plant in the Province of Macerata, for the new Center of Civil Protection in the Province of Trento, for the new Terminal of Alghero Airport and for that of Trieste Airport, for the new Office Districts in Ancona and for that of Czech Republic in the capital Prague. In 2017 the sculpture FERRO #6 becomes part of the Homer State Tactile Museum collection and in the same year he has completed the work of the new roundabout entitled EYES. Two of his sculptures - UP and ABBRACCIO - in which are strong the linguistic icons now dominant in his works, have been placed in the park of Sparvoli Collection. In the recent years, exactly from 2010, is carrying out the GEOTAG project which marks a return to basics with pure photography, a project where he condenses its symbolic and linguistic imaginary and he creates an evocative work of geo-localization of himself, a personal code to draw on to investigate the beauty of nature and stop the fleetingness of gaze. In March 2019, the same project is included in the INTERNI magazine of Mondadori while in April the debut also takes place in the theater with the realization of the scenography for the monologue CASSANDRA. Also noteworthy is the release of the TRACCE documentary, an intimate story based on his diaries and texts he has written over the years, with the premiere views at the Osvaldo Licini Museum in Ascoli Piceno and at the Matalon Foundation in Milan. Lastly, in May 2019 one of his works is selected by the Blindarte Auction House in Milan and on commission of Lega del Filo d’Oro he creates a new sculpture entitled GENESI which is positioned at the entrance of their New National Center.


‣ ORLANDONI – Edizioni Atelier Chambre – Castelfidardo (I) © May 2009 (available)

‣ ORLANDONI_notes – Edizioni Atelier Chambre – Castelfidardo (I) © March 2009 (available)

‣ ORLANDONI_works – Edizioni Atelier Chambre – Castelfidardo (I) © March 2009 (available)

‣ OPERE RECENTI – Villa Picena Arte Contemporanea – Ascoli Piceno (I) © March 2008 (sold out)

‣ L’ISOLA DI DERI – Edizioni Tecnostampa – Loreto (I) © December 2002 (available)

‣ OMBRE DEI PENSIERI – Edizioni Brillarelli – Castelfidardo (I) © January 1998 (available)

‣ IL DIAVOLO SULLE COLLINE – Edizioni Atelier Chambre – Numana (I) © May 1998 (available)


2019 May Trampoline - Blindarte - Milano (I) - curated by Memmo Grilli • 2016 April Fotografi nelle Marche - Dal Dopoguerra ad Oggi (I) - curated by Vincenzo Marzocchini • 2015 September Viaggio dalla Terra al Cielo - Aeroporto di Alghero (I) - curated by Maria Paola Dettori • 2009 December SEVEN - Pinacoteca Patiniana - Castel di Sangro (I) - curated by Lino Alviani • 2008 February Arte Fiera 2008 - Genova (I) - Orizzonti Art Gallery • 2007 December Il Cantico dei Cantici - Jesi (I) - curated by Armando Ginesi • 2007 September Premio Seetal 2007 - Svizzera (CH) - curated by Pino Bonanno • 2007 June Omaggio a Gianni Rodari - Pievetorina (I) - curated by Armando Ginesi • 2007 April All’Ombra della Luce - Roma (I) - critic text by Emiliano Canali • 2006 November Le Marche e il XX secolo - Federico Motta Editore - curated by Armando Ginesi • 2006 July XII Rassegna Grafica Etichetta d’Artista - Cupramontana (I) - curated by A. Ginesi • 2006 June Uno sguardo sul ‘900 - Castelfidardo (I) - preface by Stefano Papetti • 2002 December Fotografos de Fin de Milenio - Cordoba (E) • 2002 May La Gabbia della Fantasia - Pennabilli (I) • 2001 December Profil Gallery - Bratislava (SK) • 2001 November Mesiac Photographie 2001 - Bratislava (SK) • 2000 August Diari della Fototeca - Morrovalle (I) – curated by Ivano Quintavalle • 2000 May Il Chiaroscuro della Violenza curated by Enrico Prada – Triennale di Milano (I) • 1998 December I Asta Fotografia - Pavia (I) • 1998 August II Biennale di Fotografia - curated by Laboratorio Luigi Crocenzi • 1998 July Voies Off – Arles (F) • 1998 June Camerino Photographs 1998 - curated by Roberto Conti • 1997 March Profil Gallery - Bratislava (SK) • 1996 September Nuova Fotografia Italiana - curated by Vincenzo Mirisola • 1996 August I Biennale di Fotografia - curated by Laboratorio Luigi Crocenzi


2019 March Interni Magazine - Mondadori (I) - written by Stefano Caggiano • 2013 April Prima Pagina (I) - written by Claudio Segattini • 2012 August Specchio Magazine (I) - interview by Laura Vescovi • 2012 April Resto del Carlino - Ascoli Piceno (I) - interview by Cecilia Casadei • 2008 March FLASH - Ascoli Piceno (I) - written by Andrea Valentini • 2007 January IMAGES Art & Life - written by Dino Del Vecchio • 2006 April Prima Pagina - Edizioni Banca Marche (I) - written by Armando Ginesi • 2002 February Portfolio Magazine - Mosca (RUS) • 2001 December Gente di Fotografia - Palermo (I) - written by Roberto Mutti • 2000 January Nuovo Notiziario Fotografico - Roma (I) – written by Fausto Raschiatore • 1999 September Photo - Milano (I) – Lo Sguardo Pluricentrico • 1999 April La Fotografia Actual (E) – Attimi d’istante prima della morte • 1998 April Gente di Fotografia - Palermo (I) - Attimi d’istante prima della morte written by Roberto Mutti • 1997 February Foto Graphia - Milano (I) - Autore Under Trenta written by Roberto Mutti • 1996 December Diafragma Foto (E) - Il Diavolo sulle Colline written by José F.Gàlvez • 1996 August Photographie Magazine - Torino (I) - Il Diavolo sulle Colline written by Paola Racca • 1996 July Gente di Fotografia - Palermo (I) - proposals by Vincenzo Mirisola